by Gregory Dzemaili | Jun 16, 2022 | Kettlebells EN |
We call them rainbow colors around here. They take on beautiful shades, shapes, sizes – and they’re necessary – when you’re starting out! Because your soft tissues have to adapt – and this might be a little uncomfortable at first. Yet, just like my...
by Gregory Dzemaili | Jun 15, 2022 | Kettlebells EN |
This bodyweight workout protocol has supposedly been done by Miles Teller who starred in the recent Top Gun movie. It consists out of 6 exercises. Warmup Run: 800 meters* Flutter Kick: 40 reps Bench Dip: 20 reps Bodyweight Squat: 20 reps Elevated Push Up: 25 reps ...
by Gregory Dzemaili | May 25, 2022 | Kettlebells EN |
Kettlebell can be intimidating for beginners. However, as it is with every skill that is worth learning, it’s all about understanding the basics first to build a solid foundation. Here are 10 things that can help beginners understand and know these basics in...
by Gregory Dzemaili | May 20, 2022 | Fitness & Krafttraining |
This video summarizes the thought process, that went into our kettlebell course „90 Gains Of Kettlebells“ where we help Men Over 30 build practical as well as aesthetic muscle in only 12 weeks. Watch until the end to find out more about this course or click the link...
by Gregory Dzemaili | Apr 29, 2022 | Kettlebells EN |
The kettlebell is know for being a unique tool. The Swing, Clean & Press and Snatch for example are differentiators. This means these are the exercises, the kettlebell is made for and where it shines the most. However, there’s an array of exercises that are...