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The NEW Way To Get In Shape With Kettlebells – Here’s How It Works
Kettlebells are powerful tools that can be used by everybody – and it doesn’t have to be complicated.
But let’s be honest for a second, Ladies!
Unless you’re a seasoned kettlebell professional, crafting a solid workout program can be tricky.
Heck, even kettlebell professionals might have a hard time trying to create a kettlebell workout system that can help women 30+ lose weight comfortably.
Let’s put an end to this!
With my Ladder workouts kettlebell program, you will experience a solid kettlebell workout program that will show you how to train twice a week.
If you want to train in the comfort of your own home, discover most-bang-for-your-buck kettlebell workouts, and have fun while you’re at it – then pay attention to what you are about to discover:
A Simple Way To Get In Shape, Lose Weight And Get Consistent Results From Your Kettlebell Workouts As a Woman Aged 30+ – Without Wasting Time And Money With Crash Diets & Unused Gym Memberships.
– Angie von Lebe Stark
Lebe Stark is helping people all over the world to lose weight, get in shape, become fit and healthier version of themselves.
To achieve this, we use the “Swiss🇨🇭Knife” of modern training tools called Kettlebell. We help you discover its potential, power and massive benefit – without you having to leave your home.
Hi! We Are Lebe Stark
Hello from the Team – that is Gregory, Angie (me) & Gypsy and we are dedicated kettlebell coaches and enthusiasts. Not long ago, we were total kettlebell N00bs; scared of swinging this thing in a serious manner – because everytime we did we were sweating buckets, laying on the floor being quickly out of breath.
You see – Gregory and me; we were both working hard in the gym with the typical bodybuilding-split-training-traditional-type-of-style. That is why I kept asking myself: “How does this thing make me feel so unfit?”
Before we got certified by Steve Cotter in 2019, the kettlebell just seemed like a ball-shaped dumbbell. So believe me when I tell you that I didn’t like the kettlebell at first.. and now I can’t imagine going back!

It All Started In February 2019
Gregory just settled the deal with Steve Cotter to fly him into the Lebe Stark studio in Switzerland for private coaching to get certified.
This it It!
The master is coming to visit us and there’s no turning back now!
Fast Forward To Certification Day In June 2019
As we were getting better with my training and technique, we both finally managed to pull of the CKT1 test.
Fast Forward To Today
Today we’re reaching millions of views on our YouTube channel.
We’re teaching hundreds of clients on a local as well as international level.
This empowerd feeling I get from being more confident, stronger, fitter, leaner and healthier is hard to describe.
It opened new doors to me – and I know I’m in better shape than I was 10 years ago.
The lessons it took me to reach this epiphany moment is EXACTLY what I want to show you – because passion can be contagious and it will become a burning fire inside you that will keep you going FOREVER!
So if you’d like me to guide you through exactly how to do this, I’d be happy to. I’ve created a powerful kettlebell course bundle and I think you’ll love it.
– Angie von Lebe Stark
Here’s Exactly How This Helps You
This course is packed with simple workouts so you’ll know exactly what to do.
Lots of people who appear to be in good shape seem to spend hours in the gym. The good news is you don’t have to do that. Most workouts clock in at about 15 minutes per session – and that’s it!
We only train twice per week. The first workout of the week is a ladder (mountain) and the last workout of the week is a mobility/ stretching session.
This program respects that it’s fitness in the context of life – not the other way around!

Here’s How It Works
We will show you exactly how to get in shape, lose weight and get consistent results from the effort you put in – without wasting time and money with crash diets & unused gym memberships. Each lesson will show you exactly what to do and give you follow-along workouts and tutorials that make it really easy.
The course lasts three months and you will do two kettlebell workouts per week; designed for beginners in mind that gradually increase in difficulty. This course will teach you the ins and outs of kettlebell training combined with a powerful ladder system, that will keep you engaged and on your toes.
Whenever our fous is consistent weight loss, we have to factor in nutrition. There’s NO mealplan involved here. Instead, you will learn a few simple steps that can transform your eating habits. The program will tell you exactly what to do.
Never Rest Ladders - Ladies Edition
Live Launch Offer - Save 20%- Save 20% off the original price
- 3 months filled with kettlebell workouts
- Powerful ladder workout system
- 30+ hours of video content
- Lifelong access to course material
- Immediate access
- Total value over 6K USD
Massive Value
The value you’re getting is worth over $6K.
This is caluclated on what clients pay for our Personal Training program, where they follow similar routines as outlined in our ladder workout system.
You are getting it – for a limited time – for only $117.
And don’t forget: you’re also walking away with a complete program that’s ready to go …on day one.
And you don’t have to create your own kettlebell routines with the risk of hurting yourself. If you wanted to book our Personal Training program, you’d pay anywhere from $3’000 to $6’000.

No-Gain-No-Pay Guarantee
Getting IKFF-Certified from Steve Cotter in June 2019 laid the ground work for what Lebe Stark is today. After investing thousands of hours, reps and sweat, we have realized that a solid foundation is key to individual mastery.
Drawing from the boundless experience from various styles and other kettlebell coaches around the world, we’re able to guarantee you a solidified coaching concept, that has been proven in the fire of expert’s opinions and working with people in real life.
I know for a fact that if you follow the rules that govern the law of muscle gain and combine it with the characteristics of the kettlebell, you will encounter a change in your body structure.
If you don’t experience any kind of progress after following the program for 30 days straight*, you’ll get your money back – AND you can keep the course as a parting gift.
*Must have followed ALL recommended workouts at least for 30 days.

Collaborated with, and Recommended by
“Gregory is a man with a vision and I'm delighted to see the student become the master.”
Steve Cotter
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“Gregory does an excellent podcast and I find him encouraging and insightful.”
World Renowned Strength Coach
Dan John
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“I have seen some of Gregory's work; I like his form!”
Honored Master Of Sport Worldclass
Valery Fedorenko
" use_3d_effect="on" front_side_bg_color="rgba(21,2,42,0.3)" back_side_bg_color="#000000" front_side_bg_image="https://www.lebestark.ch/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Bildschirmfoto-2022-06-22-um-12.13.40.png" front_side_bg_blend="multiply" back_side_bg_image="https://www.lebestark.ch/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/dp-demo-20.jpg" back_side_bg_blend="multiply" _builder_version="4.17.4" front_title_text_color="#ffffff" front_title_font_size="26px" back_title_text_color="#ffffff" back_desc_font="|300|||||||" back_desc_text_color="#FFFFFF" custom_back_button="on" back_button_text_size="15px" back_button_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" back_button_border_width="1px" back_button_border_color="#ffffff" width="100%" max_width="100%" custom_padding="|30px||30px|false|false" front_title_text_shadow_style="preset1" front_title_text_shadow_vertical_length="0.06em" front_title_text_shadow_blur_strength="0.38em" front_title_text_shadow_color="rgba(0,0,0,0.08)" box_shadow_style="preset3" global_colors_info="{}" back_button_bg_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_bg_color__hover="rgba(0,0,0,0)" back_button_bg_enable_color__hover="on" back_button_text_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_text_color__hover="#ffffff" back_button_border_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_border_color__hover="#fcfcfc" back_button_border_width__hover_enabled="on|desktop" back_button_border_width__hover="1px" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type_tablet="linear" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type_phone="linear" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type__hover="linear" image_bg_color_gradient_type__hover="linear"][/dipi_flip_box]
“I had a great conversation with Gregory on his podcast.”
RKC Founder
John Ducane
" use_3d_effect="on" front_side_bg_color="rgba(21,2,42,0.3)" back_side_bg_color="#000000" front_side_bg_image="https://www.lebestark.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Pavel_JDC.jpg" front_side_bg_position="top_center" front_side_bg_blend="multiply" back_side_bg_image="https://www.lebestark.ch/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/dp-demo-20.jpg" back_side_bg_blend="multiply" _builder_version="4.21.0" front_title_text_color="#ffffff" front_title_font_size="26px" back_title_text_color="#ffffff" back_desc_font="|300|||||||" back_desc_text_color="#FFFFFF" custom_back_button="on" back_button_text_size="15px" back_button_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" back_button_border_width="1px" back_button_border_color="#ffffff" width="100%" max_width="100%" custom_padding="|30px||30px|false|false" front_title_text_shadow_style="preset1" front_title_text_shadow_vertical_length="0.06em" front_title_text_shadow_blur_strength="0.38em" front_title_text_shadow_color="rgba(0,0,0,0.08)" box_shadow_style="preset3" global_colors_info="{}" back_button_bg_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_bg_color__hover="rgba(0,0,0,0)" back_button_bg_enable_color__hover="on" back_button_text_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_text_color__hover="#ffffff" back_button_border_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_border_color__hover="#fcfcfc" back_button_border_width__hover_enabled="on|desktop" back_button_border_width__hover="1px" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type_tablet="linear" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type_phone="linear" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type__hover="linear" image_bg_color_gradient_type__hover="linear"][/dipi_flip_box]
“I enjoy Gregory's content”
11-Time World Champion
Denis Vasilev
" use_3d_effect="on" front_side_bg_color="rgba(21,2,42,0.3)" back_side_bg_color="#000000" front_side_bg_image="https://www.lebestark.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Denis-Vasilev.jpg" front_side_bg_position="top_center" front_side_bg_blend="multiply" back_side_bg_image="https://www.lebestark.ch/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/dp-demo-20.jpg" back_side_bg_blend="multiply" _builder_version="4.21.0" front_title_text_color="#ffffff" front_title_font_size="26px" back_title_text_color="#ffffff" back_desc_font="|300|||||||" back_desc_text_color="#FFFFFF" custom_back_button="on" back_button_text_size="15px" back_button_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" back_button_border_width="1px" back_button_border_color="#ffffff" width="100%" max_width="100%" custom_padding="|30px||30px|false|false" front_title_text_shadow_style="preset1" front_title_text_shadow_vertical_length="0.06em" front_title_text_shadow_blur_strength="0.38em" front_title_text_shadow_color="rgba(0,0,0,0.08)" box_shadow_style="preset3" global_colors_info="{}" back_button_bg_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_bg_color__hover="rgba(0,0,0,0)" back_button_bg_enable_color__hover="on" back_button_text_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_text_color__hover="#ffffff" back_button_border_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_border_color__hover="#fcfcfc" back_button_border_width__hover_enabled="on|desktop" back_button_border_width__hover="1px" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type_tablet="linear" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type_phone="linear" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type__hover="linear" image_bg_color_gradient_type__hover="linear"][/dipi_flip_box]
“Gregory is serious and open about Kettlebell Sport!”
Honored Master Of Sport Worldclass
Arseny Zhernakov
" use_3d_effect="on" front_side_bg_color="rgba(21,2,42,0.3)" back_side_bg_color="#000000" front_side_bg_image="https://www.lebestark.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/maxresdefault-15.jpg" front_side_bg_blend="multiply" back_side_bg_image="https://www.lebestark.ch/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/dp-demo-20.jpg" back_side_bg_blend="multiply" _builder_version="4.21.0" front_title_text_color="#ffffff" front_title_font_size="26px" back_title_text_color="#ffffff" back_desc_font="|300|||||||" back_desc_text_color="#FFFFFF" custom_back_button="on" back_button_text_size="15px" back_button_bg_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" back_button_border_width="1px" back_button_border_color="#ffffff" width="100%" max_width="100%" custom_padding="|30px||30px|false|false" front_title_text_shadow_style="preset1" front_title_text_shadow_vertical_length="0.06em" front_title_text_shadow_blur_strength="0.38em" front_title_text_shadow_color="rgba(0,0,0,0.08)" box_shadow_style="preset3" global_colors_info="{}" back_button_bg_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_bg_color__hover="rgba(0,0,0,0)" back_button_bg_enable_color__hover="on" back_button_text_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_text_color__hover="#ffffff" back_button_border_color__hover_enabled="on|hover" back_button_border_color__hover="#fcfcfc" back_button_border_width__hover_enabled="on|desktop" back_button_border_width__hover="1px" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type_tablet="linear" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type_phone="linear" overlay_bg_color_gradient_type__hover="linear" image_bg_color_gradient_type__hover="linear"][/dipi_flip_box]
On a final note..
I‘m not asking you to say Yes or No today.
I just want you to make a fully informed decision and that’s something you do on the inside – not on the outside.
So you go on the inside and find out wether this bundle is worth your investment.
If it is, that‘s when you decide to keep it because you are 100% committed!
If it‘s not for you – no hard feelings!
Just know that for whatever reason – after 30 minutes or after 30 completed lessons you ain‘t happy, I ain‘t happy!
Just say so and you will get your money back and keep the bonus you’ve already received as a parting gift.
I only want to keep your money if you‘re happy with what we delivered to you.
So on a final note, consider these two scenarios:
Best case
You’ve trained for 3 months consecutively and managed to attain a healthy, leaner and fitter body – your weight loss journey has finally come to an end and you’re crushing it!
Worst case
You’re not satisfied so you simply write us an email to get your money back – at least you’ve tried.. And maybe.. You’re walking away with a little bit of something you’ve probably learned along the way.
Both options are risk-free.
The only thing GUARANTEED not to help you at all is closing this page and walking away..
– Angie from Lebe Stark
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© 2022 Lebe Stark Personal Training
Hafenstrasse 14 | 8590 Romanshorn